Scholastic Dishonesty Sanctioning Guidelines

When instructors determine that scholastic dishonesty has more than likely occurred they have the responsibility of determining an appropriate sanction given the nature of their course. The purpose of administering a sanction is to hold students accountable for their actions and to facilitate learning. Consider the following questions when determining an appropriate sanction:

  1. Were the expectations with regard to scholastic dishonesty clearly stated throughout the course?
  2. Was the student aware of the expectations of the course/assignment with regard to scholastic dishonesty?
  3. Was the student aware of the fact they were plagiarizing or cheating?
  4. Does the student understand the greater impacts of scholastic dishonesty (e.g., fairness to other students, the integrity of a degree from the University of Minnesota)?

Below you will find examples of scholastic dishonesty followed by common sanctions. Please keep in mind that the factors surrounding each case and the context of the course may be different and may yield different results:

Examples: No academic penalty Partial credit or special assignment 0 points on assignment, quiz or exam Reduced final course grade F in course
Minor plagiarism on ungraded draft X X
Minor plagiarism on a first assignment X X
Unauthorized collaboration on homework assignment X X X X
Significant plagiarism as defined by instructor X X X
Submitting work partially or entirely written by another student X X X
Cheating on an exam X X X
Submitting falsified documentation to excuse course work or attendance X X X
Egregious cheating (e.g., hiring someone to complete assignments or exams) X X X
Repeated incidents of scholastic dishonesty in the same class X X